Terms and Conditions for Accommodation Contracts

Terms of Service

In order to maintain the standards of the OSAKA VIEW HOTEL, guests of the hotel are requested to observe the following rules in accordance with the “”Provisions Governing Accommodation Agreements, Article 10″”.

The Hotel reserves the right, to terminate a guest’s stay at the hotel in the event that any of the following rules are violated.

1. The use of any electrical appliances (such as hot plates, irons, etc), other than those provided by hotel, is not permitted.
2. Smoking in bed, or other places where fires are apt to occur, is not permitted.
3. The following articles may not be brought into the hotel;
a ) Animals, birds, etc. *Except guide dogs, hearing dogs and assistance dogs
b ) Articles with offensive odors.
c ) Explosive and flammable items, such as gunpowder, gasoline, etc.
d ) Illegally owned guns and swords.
4. Creating a disturbance which annoys other guests and gambling are not permitted in the hotel.
5. Meeting with visitors is not permitted in guest rooms.
6. The lobby, or the guest rooms, is not to be used as showrooms or as business offices.
7. Distributing advertising materials to other guests in the hotel is not permitted.
8. Ordering meals and drinks which must be delivers from outside the hotel is not permitted.
9. Articles and laundry left in the hotel will be kept up to three months if no advance notice or forwarding address has been provided. After that time, the articles will be disposed of as required by Civil Law.
10. Rules Regarding Equipment and Fixtures on the Premises.
a ) Refrain from using equipment and fixtures for purposes other than intended.
b ) Please do not take equipment of fixtures out of the hotel.
c ) Removal of equipment or fixtures is prohibited.
11. Use of hotel rooms for purposes other than lodging are not permitted.
12. The taking of photographs for commercial purposes or which annoys other guests is not permitted within the hotel site and buildings.


1. Please pay your bill when you check out or when presented with a bill for payment.
2. Only one receipt will be prepared for each room. If two persons are staying in a room and want separate receipts, they are requested to notify the cashier to that effect as early as possible.
3. If there is anything unclear about payments, please do not hesitate to inquire of our Cashier at the Front Desk.
4. You are kindly requested not to go out of your room in a Yukata or slippers.
5. To protect your cash and valuables (except antiques and art objects), please utilize the safety box of the Cashier at the Front Desk. The Management will not accept responsibility for loss of such items not deposited in the safety box.

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